Map build fight 1v1 uniquement ! pret a affronter vos amis ?une grosse quantite d'armes disponible.0 bug tout est clean.
First person shooter 1v1 buildfightchoose your weaponsstay 3 second on the blue barrierand fight
Its a 1v1 buildfight map with possibility to be a spectator for look your friends 1v1
Bf 1v1 based on back to the futur up to 8 can use spectating and respawn to set up tournementhave...
✔ optimized & simplistic 1v1 map✔ always updated weapons✔ ranked system✔ instant respawn✔ adjustable health & rapidity o...
Classic 1v1 buildfightdive into the action with 'classic 1v1 buildfight'! test your building and combat skills in a slee...
🥇 build fight [1v1]🕒zero delai (respawn instante)🗣 parle en tounsi🎵 choisis ta musique🌈 magnifique ciel🤫 bouton secret🖥️...
Best 1v1 build fight map (no lag)only essentials , super optimized
Always updated ✅180 & 200 hp option✅practice🤩chapter 6 weapons🔫